R.M. News & Updates

** New maps are now available at the RM office **


 2024 Budget - Update

2024 Operating Budget  - 2024 operating budget was based at the May 7, 2024 regular council meeting with an increase of 5% on the municipal levy. 

5-Year Capital Plan - was presented and passed at the June 4, 2024 Regular Meeting

Bylaw 5.2024 Uniform Mill Rate - was given it's first reading on June 4,2024 and will have the final readings at the July 9, 2024 Regular Council Meeting

Bylaw 6.2024 Mill Rate Factors / Base Tax - was given it's first reading on June 4,2024 and will have the final readings at the July 9, 2024 Regular Council Meeting

Bylaw 7.2022 Incentives and Penalties - will remain in place for the 2024 year.


The RM is in search for Road Clay and Gravel within the boundaries of the municipality. Proposals to be submitted to Council and will be presented at a Regular Meeting. The proposal should include the legal land location, when test holes can be conducted and estimated cost per yard.

Should the proposal be of interest notice will be given Public works will conduct an inspection along with test holes and testing of the materials will be completed to see if it meets RM spec.

** Council Meetings ** 

Starting March 7, 2023, Council meetings will begin at 9:00 am.

Custom Work Rates

Patrol for Winter & Summer      $200 for 60 minutes and $125 for 30 minutes

Mower                                          $150 for 60 minutes and $75 for 30 minutes

Anything over 30 minutes will be charged for 60 minutes. Anything under 30 minutes will be charged for 30 minutes. Prices in effect May 1, 2023.

** Voyent Alert! **

Please register for Voyent Alert! on register.voyent-alert.com. Important notices such as fire bans or road bans will be sent out by this service. You can also provide current contact information to rm403office@sasktel.net for us to add you to Voyent Alert!  

 Pest Control Products

Please call Marcel Baynton directly for any pest control (306-467-4878 or 306-220-0840)

 RM Online Banking Options

The following banks have been added to accept online payments, in addition to Affinity Credit Union:

BMO, CIBC, RBC and ScotiaBank

If you have had any custom work done by the RM, you can pay your invoice using the same account number.

** Please use your customer number located in top right corner (in brackets beide your name) of your tax notice.

** You need to add zeros before your customer number to be an 11 digit number **